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Tips to effect a smooth revamping of your website.

Business owners are very scared of website revamping moves. And it is only natural because you are risking your rankings here. But revamping is inevitable if you want to stay ahead in business. Without revamping your business is a sinking ship.

Why revamping is risky?

First of all, let us look at what revamping will involve. Redesigning your websites may involve balancing many finer dimensions. One is our overall site designs. It involves how you use your widgets and services in the right places and in the most attractive way. We are talking about UI/UX here.

 Second is your content. The recent Google Bert update has resulted in an overhaul in the ranking. Many industries found themselves falling into the darkest pits of google search and many rose from the pits to the top levels.

What made this difference?

Experts are still analyzing, but we at Meridian Solutions believe it is nothing but back to the basics of SEO that did this. Google is striving continually to make the content as plain and simple as it can be for the users. And hence the Bert update, with emphasis on readable content.

All this involves considerable risk, your already high ranking can go down. But not with a competent digital marketing agency Dubai behind to back you up. The bottom line has nothing to lose but to gain from it all.

Here we provide some of the best practices followed in revamping a site content-wise as well as design-wise:

Understand Your Clientele

Here, we mean, research to round up your possible takers. Your design and content should be trimmed to suit your client’s business, their expectations, etc

Engage your Visitors

It is inevitable that with a new design you are definitely going to lose a part of traffic initially. According to Matt Cutts this could be between 10% to 15%. But that’s just a temporary downside.
Look at the upside.
A new engaging design can gain you 4 times or more traffic than from your old website’s mediocrely complacent conversion. Remember, you have to take risks to be on the top. And with our expertise, we make sure that your risk was worth it.

Content Preparation

A content change is mandatory for an effective site revamping. It needs updation of your CRM, updating new keyword during content restructure and development. Meta description rechecks and alteration of titles all should go hand in hand.

Internal Links

You need to reimplement your tracking code, open gates to indexing by removing any impediments in its path. Work to ensure that internal links flow from one page to another naturally to make way for your traffic flow. You also need to look out for the 404 error pages and link them to your internal pages.

Active Monitoring

Redesign and launch is just the beginning. You need to do so much more. The primary activity should be to have constant vigilance. Keep your eyes open for unusual traffic drops, rise in 404 errors, drop in keyword rankings and finally on where Google has indexed your site and how appropriately.

These are only a few tips, but much finer trimming is needed in effecting your website revamping effectively. We are capable of delivering it for your website as our work speaks for itself.

Begin your site revamp in the capable hands of Meridian IT Solutions.

Connect with us to get a free consultation and quote for  Website revamp Services in UAE