Marketing 2020: Why Chatbots will be the game changers?

The coming of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the associated technologies have captured the imagination of digital marketers in 2019. 2019 saw some of the greatest discussions, speculations, whitepapers and much more on how AI, blockchain would change the future. 

Its 2020 and observing the patterns in digital marketing we can surely say that virtual assistants are the future of marketing. 

It is a well-established fact that user engagement is key to drive conversions. And conversions are the first-hand indicator of the effectiveness of your marketing technique. So the digital marketing and technologies in the field have been working on user engagement for the past few years. And the one feature that stands out in all respects is the virtual assistants in the form of chatbots.

What makes chatbots so unique?

Chatbots like all bots are computer programs that automate certain specific actions. The main feature of a chatbot is that it makes possible the conversation interface with a user on the other side. The chatbots are unique in their ability to engage users in the following ways :

1) Quick Search – they are really fast.

And the chatbot will fetch for you the latest models available in the market. With the integration of voice search, this feature is going to create a revolution.

2) Direct Approach – Social media, email marketing, etc have a long route approach in understanding the exact need of customers and even more so to engage them. Here chatbots are going to be super effective because they deal directly with users. Machine learning and AI can really make it filter the exact needs of customers and satisfy them better.

3) Research Instrument – It can also be used as a research tool to gather data. For example, a brand may run chatbot surveys to know how customers, in general, perceive their brand and then depending on the results develop a more compact marketing strategy.

4) Personalization element – From even the smallest device to complex applications, all have a common feature and that is to make the user feel more at home. The personalization is a key factor in emulating loyalty through identification. Hence, chatbots through their conversational approach can make better and engaging conversations with previous visitors.

5) Integration with Social Media – Imagine booking movie tickets with WhatsApp’s voice. It is possible with chatbots integrating various social media elements they can really make marketing an integrative and easy to perform the operation.

Thus, chatbots are the next greatest happening in the world of digital marketing. They can transform the whole future of marketing and especially in 2020 here are a few reasons that support this prediction:

Addition of chatbot feature with Facebook messenger.

Juniper predicts more than 8 billion dollar cost savings from chatbots

All this and much more awaits us with chatbots on the anvil. Get the latest marketing approaches, web designs and mobile apps with Meridian, the best digital marketing agency in Dubai.


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